Natural Wisdom for Business and for Life

Wherever you are in the world as you read this, take a moment to pause.

Breathe deeply. Notice the season you are in, the quality of the light, the scent of the air, the sounds of nature around you.

How long has it been since it rained or snowed? What is the state of plants in the ground; are they dormant, seedlings, bearing fruit? What phase is the moon in? When is the next Solstice? Are the daylight hours waxing or waning?

Why do I invite you to pause and notice? It is to align with and attune to the rhythms of nature so you may be supported in the journey of your life; what you are creating, letting go of, dreaming, struggling with and enjoying.

We’re in this life for the long run. Sustainability arises from sustenance.

To everything there is a season. What season are you in? (hint; it may be different in various aspects of your life such as finances, health, work, etc.)

Noticing the cycles of nature is a practice we can apply to our teams and our work. Our observations provide clues, maps and information for how we can best align with the dynamics and evolution of our organizations, communities and ourselves.

If your organization/business/community was in a season, what season would it be? It isn’t summer all the time! We go through decay and evolution, despite how painful these periods can feel.

Are you feeling contemplative?

Is change happening that you are resisting?

Are you experiencing a surge of green lights for your projects where everything is met with an enthusiastic YES?

Are you feeling creative and curious?

These are clues. Now what?

For each season, there are practices we can depend upon to nourish our next phase of evolution.

Want to dive deeper? Schedule a consultation. It helps to work with someone who knows these maps and can support you in navigating change.


Small is All


Aloha Aina