How We Can Work Together

Consulting packages are completely customized.

They will include a combination of the following that is specific to your needs and budget, with everything you need and nothing you don’t.


retreats, strategic planning events, and ongoing facilitation for your team, alliance, coalition, task force, or committee


Schedule your Mapping Session and receive your complete report assessing the gaps and your customized plan to bring forth the vision you have for your organization.


helping you and other senior level staff navigate change and growth with grace


classes, courses, ceremonies, and experiences to align with nature’s wisdom and use it as your guide in both business and life

Book a Consultation

I work with a limited number of clients at one time, and I only work with leaders and organizations who are interested in a holistic approach to doing business that prioritizes the well-being of the planet and its people.

If this is you, I invite you to book a Conscious Consultation. This is a sales-free, obligation-free, 45-minute session in which I’ll assess your needs based on current challenges and provide a report giving you an overview of my recommendations and ways we can work together.

I offer these consultations from a desire to empower more leaders with the basics and also to see if I’m a good fit as a consultant and facilitator for your organization and vice versa.