mary christa smith mary christa smith

Aloha Aina

So much of my work in youth mental health, coalition building and sustainability comes from a desire to knit together the silos created by colonialism. It’s sometimes hard to see in places like Utah where settler colonialism has so taken hold it is literally the very air we breathe.

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mary christa smith mary christa smith

A Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Journey

A year ago, George Floyd’s murder shook our nation and awakened our need to practice justice – both individual and within our organizations, within institutions and throughout our communities. 

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mary christa smith mary christa smith

Woo Woo in the Workplace

My facilitation work is different.

It is grounded in care for the group and a commitment to processes that allow people to work together with greater ease and joy.

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mary christa smith mary christa smith

The New Paradigm

We are living during a massive, transformational change on our planet.  Technology is evolving at an exponential pace.  Our ecosystem is straining under our consumption.

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mary christa smith mary christa smith

Love Where You Live

This week,  I attended a celebration in my hometown of Park City.   Together with 5 municipal governments, 3500 individual donors, and 11 nonprofits, we raised $38million to save a very special place – Bonanza Flat. 

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mary christa smith mary christa smith

Natural Wisdom

Today I arose to watch the first rays of sun illuminate the snowy mountain tops of the Wasatch in a rosy pink glow. The sound of Silver Creek sings of abundant fresh snow, precious water upon the land. I find deeply nourishing renewal in the presence and awareness of Great Nature.

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mary christa smith mary christa smith

Discovering the Art of Mindful Leadership

I used to think that leadership was about learning a set of skills and tactics to influence, inspire, guide and manage my team. My assumption was rooted in a belief leadership is something you learn from the outside.

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mary christa smith mary christa smith

The key to unlocking growth – the energy of money

I am loving the book, “The Clean Money Revolution” by Joel Solomon.  It’s all about the power of money to transform our world for the better.  It’s about money as an expression of love and our values, and the conscious practice of putting our money where our heart is.

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mary christa smith mary christa smith

Are You Afraid of Congruency?

Seems silly doesn’t it – on the surface anyway. Why would anyone be afraid of aligning their true self with at work, in their relationships, where we live, etc?

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