The key to unlocking growth – the energy of money

I am loving the book, “The Clean Money Revolution” by Joel Solomon.  It’s all about the power of money to transform our world for the better.  It’s about money as an expression of love and our values, and the conscious practice of putting our money where our heart is.

Money and I have been on a journey together.  It’s often been a co-dependent and dysfunctional one – driven by fear and scarcity.  I’m a saver, and that’s a good thing, except that no matter how much I had, it never felt like enough.

My consciousness regarding money is shifting in a powerful way.  I don’t have it all figured out, but I am deeply curious about what is unfolding in my awareness about the energy of money, scarcity and possibility.

Albert Einstein put it elegantly.  E=MC2 is an expression that illustrates how energy is manifested into matter.  In our current global system, money functions as a vehicle to bring our dreams into reality.  Money is a form of energy, that can be expressed through our values, and our levels of consciousness.

A synonym for money is currency, and this gives us a clue as to where money exists in the equation E=MC2.  It is a medium of exchange.  It sits at the equals sign.  There exists an infinite well of energy available, and currency is a means through which we transform pure energy into matter and thereby manifest our dreams, goals, hopes, desires, and plans. The energy of money is agnostic, it manifests both our conscious dreams and hopes, and also our unconscious fears.  Herein lies the key to unlocking growth through consciously surfacing our shadow projections around scarcity and fear in our relationship with money.

Money is a form of energy and is expressed as an archetype - it represents something else; power, social status, freedom, hope, possibility, control, resources, safety, love, success.  Money’s power lies in what it means to us and to others and it is the conduit, through which we are able to grow our business and make manifest our dreams.

We often add something else to the equation – scarcity and fear.  It feels like constriction.  It sounds like, “I’m afraid that…It’s not fair….They have more than me….. I’ve got to fill this gap or I’m going to get fired, my company will go under, my project will fail….I’d like to invest but I can’t because I don’t have enough…. I have to take this client, even though I don’t want to because I need….I can’t really do what I want to do because I don’t have…… I wish I could attend this workshop, but I don’t have…. It’s not fair, that was my idea and they took it……

Abundance and money are related but not synonymous.  My friend and financial advisor asked me, “how much is enough for you to feel comfortable?”  Surprisingly, I didn’t know.  No number felt like enough to me.  Then I asked myself, is that true?   This inquiry had led to a new relationship to money for me, in all aspects of my life.  The relationship is still forming, but it looks and sounds a bit like this:

  1. I no longer use “I don’t have enough money” as an excuse for the choices I am making.  I look deeper into what I am choosing and why.

  2. I consciously step into the field of abundance.

  3. I recognize scarcity thinking, and I ask myself, “what else is available if I choose to unravel scarcity from the situation?”

  4. I practice gratitude for the money I have, and for the experiences that it allows for me and my family.

  5. I use money as an expression of love – and put it where my values are.

  6. I allow myself to dream of possibilities, without limiting my vision due to scarcity thinking.

Simply put, I practice hope and abundance, rather than fear and scarcity, in all aspects of my life.  It truly is a practice and a choice, and one I attempt to stay conscious of every day.


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