Natural Wisdom

Dear Reader,

Today I arose to watch the first rays of sun illuminate the snowy mountain tops of the Wasatch in a rosy pink glow.  The sound of Silver Creek sings of abundant fresh snow, precious water upon the land.  I find deeply nourishing renewal in the presence and awareness of Great Nature.

A core tenant to my facilitation, coaching and organizational work is to invite the wisdom of nature into the process as a guide, resource and ally.  This is often described as “living systems” or “biomimicry”.  A regenerative model invites us to consider natures wisdom in the structure of our organizations, the flow of our day-to-day work, our relationships to one another and the more than human world.  Here’s a simple framework I use to map where your organization is in its natural cycles and to use this information to guide your path forward.

  1. Consider the wheel of the year; Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

    1. Spring is the fresh beginning

    2. Summer is full abundance

    3. Fall is a letting go, simplifying, going to seed

    4. Winter is the dark, quiet, introspective time

  2. Which season is your business residing in at this moment?

    1. Is it a flurry of manifestation and activity?  Are all your wildest dreams coming true?  This may be a summertime experience and the wisdom is to harvest with gratitude and intensity.  Go for it!  The time is now.

    2. Is your staff burned out?  Do things feel like drudgery?  Are you pushing the boulder up the hill?  Is the energy flat?  Are people tired, calling in sick?  Are you getting more no’s than yes’s to your proposals?  Chances are you are in a Fall/Winter phase.  What would benefit your organization the most is to acknowledge this natural wisdom and align with it, rather than fighting against it.  Take time for rest and renewal.  Give thanks for the abundance of the previous season and let go of what is no longer working.  Take time to slow down.

    3. Are you confused, is the path forward murky and shrouded in darkness?  You may be in the wintertime.  A time of rest, introspection and storytelling.  Let the inspiration of what is to come find you in moments of quiet stillness.  Trust this interior world to deliver to you a spark of light that will guide you forward.

    4. Do you feel a fresh flush of inspiration?  Do you awake with delight and excitement and a desire to create?  Chances are you are in the Springtime energy.  Plant seeds, let your joy run free, practice childlike optimism and creativity.  Now is the time to nourish the tiny shoots of growth.

Not every season is Spring or Summer.  Yet in our capitalist world we like to pretend we can have endless growth.  Like the overtaxed soil saturated with chemical fertilizer, we attempt to thwart nature’s wisdom.  This leads to burnout.  The path to a sustainable, regenerative organization that fulfills your mission and purpose is to have healthy, well and cared for people at the center.  Stop forcing, get clear and aligned as a team.  Take the long-term view and invite Nature into your process.  If your team is ready for a reset, you may benefit from a staff and board retreat to align and reset.  This is where my artful facilitation can help support you and your organization in mapping a path to realize your vision.  You may even get a group hug at the end of your retreat!


Attending to the Soul of your Organization


I Hear My Soul Calling