The New Paradigm

We are living during a massive, transformational change on our planet.  Technology is evolving at an exponential pace.  Our ecosystem is straining under our consumption.

The doorways of possibility are open in our relationships; who we love, if we choose to have children, if we partner with another or not.  Our work is changing and flexible.  For example, my father is retiring this year after 48 years at the University – in the same building.  His professional trajectory is now the rarity, not the norm.

In times like these, where change and evolution are speeding up, how can we best navigate unfamiliar waters?  What does it mean to be in the new paradigm?  How do we know we’re there? And how can we best engage our lives?

We know we’re in the new paradigm because what used to work for us, both individually and collectively, no longer applies.  We used to stay in professions, relationships that were out of alignment with our authentic selves.  Just look around, we are no longer willing to settle, to swallow our truth, to suffer in the present for some hoped for, elusive future.  We also recognize that the hoped-for future is often an illusion – when we get “there”, it isn’t what we imagined it to be.  The systems that used to serve us well – education, government, health care, are under great strain.  The old models simply don’t work, and we are searching for solutions.  Our mother earth is showing us our deep misalignment with the natural wisdom of the planet.  She is calling upon us to examine our values, our systems and our unconscious consumption in order to come into balance and harmony.  We ignore her wisdom at our peril.

The new paradigm we are living in is showing us how to best navigate these unfamiliar waters.  The first step is to recognize that we are living in new times – to wake up, elevate our consciousness and become aware of the consequences of our conscious and unconscious thoughts and actions.  We are being called on a quest to create the world in which our great grandchildren will inherit.

The foundational key to graceful navigation of the new paradigm is to practice what we preach – to live our values, to put our theories into practice.  It is no longer possible to live gracefully when our values, words, thoughts, feelings and actions are incongruent.  This is not to say that, “hey, I’m living my truth, everything is going to work out like I hope and plan.”  The key is to practice, and embody our values, especially when it is challenging or inconvenient.

Here are some best practices for living in the new paradigm:

Awareness:  Simply, be awake, reflective, aware of yourself, your surroundings, the energy in the room, your feelings, what excites you, what constricts you, and most importantly, the veiled consequences of your actions.  “Beware the comforts of compromise” Nahko Bear.  Privilege is invisible to those who hold it.  We must practice every day to see the world through the eyes of those who live on the margins of society, because only then can we truly be aware of the consequences of the old paradigm, and recognize our complicit engagement.  Then, with awareness, we can change – our vote, what we purchase and how we treat our collective human family.

Authenticity:  Take off the mask.  Allow yourself to be seen.  Vulnerability is a practice and it often feels uncomfortable.  “What feels like weakness in me, looks like courage to you”. Brene’ Brown.  This is where true power resides.  We know it when we see it in others and it inspires, even though it is often uncomfortable to practice.  Simply put, if you are in a profession or a relationship where you feel like you cannot be yourself, you are in the wrong place.  If you want to be truly valued for your gifts, you must practice authenticity and vulnerability.  The relationships that don’t align will change and that can be painful, but the reward is that you will find yourself surrounded by those who recognize and appreciate your true value.

Alignment:  Simply put, alignment is when your words, thoughts, feelings and actions are all coming from the same place.  They are informed by the foundation of your authentic self and guided by your values.  If you are feeling angry, and thinking, “I shouldn’t feel this way”, and then putting on a mask of a smile – this is incongruence.  The world around us will reflect this lack of alignment at every turn.  When we are in alignment, we are in flow.  The world reflects our congruence and we are able to manifest our vision with greater ease because we are in harmony with ourselves.

Integrity:  The inside matches the outside. When we are out of integrity we cast shadows.  When we are in integrity we are transparent.  This registers at a deep level in our words and actions.  Everyone can recognize it, even if they can’t articulate why.

Presence:  The journey is the destination.  Living in the new paradigm is about putting our deepest values, theories, and dreams into practice in the present moment.  The ends are the means.  The new paradigm can be navigated with power and grace if we are guided in every moment by authenticity, alignment, awareness and integrity.

Hope:  What is the highest possibility you can imagine?  For yourself, your family, your work and the planet?  Let this be your beacon, your north star.  Alignment with the highest possibility, through the pathways of authenticity, awareness, integrity, and presence is how we manifest and dream our world into being.  Let us dare to be idealistic, hopeful, aspirational in all aspects of our lives.  Look for solutions and articulate them.


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