Excels in Communication and Planning

Mary Christa helped our organization facilitate our annual board and staff retreat last month, and a meeting that could have gone in a less helpful direction went instead in a positive, uplifting, and very connected one. Starting with the pre-planning ahead of the meeting, Mary Christa thoughtfully worked with our leadership team to organize a day that had a clear agenda and where each activity built upon the one before it.  We started the day with building connection amongst our group of old and new board members and our staff.  Real, meaningful work on our strategic plan was accomplished on the day of our retreat in an environment that Mary Christa helped us design with specific outcomes in mind.  It worked. We came out of the day more connected as a team, more understanding of what each person and group does, and with many, many new tactics for how to move our mission forward. We could have done our meeting without a facilitator, but the benefit of having Mary Christa facilitate-- and really orchestrate-- the meeting helped us go deeper than we could have on our own.  In addition to the retreat being a success, Mary Christa is excellent to work with: a calming, centering presence who is also very organized and excels in communication and planning. Thank you MC!

Lacey Cole-Rae
Development Director for the Kimball Art Center


Master Meeting Facilitator


Open and Authentic Style