Calm, Grounded, Collaborative Solutions

In 2018, Mary Christa Smith engaged me and my team at Soul Story Creative to help her develop the brand messaging and strategy for Communities That Care. She had recently accepted the position as Director and was in the beginning phases of launching an organization that would bring together all stakeholders in a unified mission in the prevention of Youth Mental Illness - with the core tagline being “We don’t just talk. We act.” 

And she absolutely lived up to that! I rarely see a client take off with an organization like Mary Christa was able to do in such a short period of time. Not only did Mary Christa brilliantly implement the strategy and marketing recommended, but she built a stellar team, directed the implementation of the website for CTC, and envisioned the way forward with marketing strategies. 

As a result, in just a couple of years, through PSA’s and other local events, CTC became known as the hub for parents and kids to find help and support. This was no small feat as there were many other support organizations who were competing with each other needlessly, out of protection for their humanitarian project. I watched Mary Christa bring these sometimes difficult and contentious relationships to the table to find mutually positive solutions. I’ve witnessed her unique ability many times to rally team members and deal with difficult situations. 

It is her distinction and her superpower to bring out the best in others, expertly see the gaps, and to form the best steps to take to reach the goals. Whether it’s through a full coalition build, or facilitation retreats, Mary Christa has a unique innovative approach that works. 

She is wonderful to work with, always prepared, and realistic about timeframes. Mary Christa never compromises on human compassion and has a beautiful way of bringing calm, grounded, and collaborative solutions to organizations. Mary Christa makes building a coalition a truly conscious and heart-felt endeavor no one should miss!

Lee Aldridge
Soul Story Creative


A Path for Positive Change


A Thoughtful and Inclusive Atmosphere