Facilitation that harnesses the power of the collective

It’s time to map a path to realize your vision.

Your organization is here to do incredible work.  You want to be seen as the effective, passionate leader that you are, one who leads effective change.

Alignment is a superpower. It arises with greater ease in organizational cultures which intentionally support the wellbeing and authentic wholeness of the team.


When your path is heading into unknown territory or especially challenging terrain, you want a map and a guide.

I help facilitate organizational alignment so that you can do the good work that happens through collective effort

Receive expert guidance

Meet your trail guide.

With decades of experience facilitating groups and building coalitions, teams and alliances on the executive level, I am the trusted confidant and artful facilitator who will help you unite and lead your organization to realize a shared vision. 

I have built coalitions from the ground up.

I assist executive leaders, government teams, and community stakeholders to unify their people, foster collaboration to realize their vision while prioritizing well-being and spiritual connection to their work. 

I’m not your typical consultant… Pairing nature-based practices and holistic well-being with my 30 years of experience as a teacher, coalition builder, and entrepreneur is my secret medicine. This isn’t fake, woo woo, false positivity, all light and rainbows kind of stuff. This is deep work and requires honesty and courage.


I believe the journey along the path can be just as fun and rewarding as reaching your destination.

My work is dynamic, not prescriptive, and it is as unique as the clients I serve, informed by your organization’s values and the situation at hand.

Sound good? Here are three ways I can help you build Conscious Coalitions to transform your organization:

Organizational Consulting

Build trust, dispel tension, and get your team to buy into your big picture vision through space cleaning and clearing, retreats, strategic planning events, and ongoing facilitation for your team, alliance, coalition, task force, or committee.

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Soulful Coaching

Personal 1:1 coaching to help you lead with authenticity and heart without compromising your values or personal well-being. We’ll find solutions to your biggest challenges and install long-term strategies to sustain your spiritual connection to your work and life.

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Earth-Based Practices

Our path to sustainability, regeneration, and resilience can be found in nature’s cycles. Whether one on one or for your organization, I offer classes, courses, ceremonies, and experiences to help you align with nature’s wisdom.

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Case Study

“Mary Christa is the safe and trusting leadership in challenging organizational processes, which is absolutely necessary in any whole person work.

Mary Christa is the safe and trusting leadership in challenging organizational processes, which is absolutely necessary in any whole person work. She has a rare old-world talent for sensing the mind/body/spirit of each person in the room and guiding the whole group emergently toward cohesion. Particularly in those really messy moments of competing personalities and interests, MC improvises fluidly on her feet, steps right into the discomfort, and navigates back to the throughline to reach shared vision.”

Stephanie Stettler
Reclamation Way

From the Field Guide

If you feel that your work fulfills a higher purpose both for yourself and for the people you serve, let’s talk.